Jonathan Ross – the perfect celebrity endorsement!

So, we were saying one Friday, I wonder how much it would be to get a celebrity endorsement and who we could get that would add real meaning and give a genuine account of our products… I then suggested the guy that used to be a film critic on TV every week when growing up in London in 80’s and 90’s and so on but could not remember his name… Barry something? I could picture him but just couldn’t think of his name… roll on to the following Monday and we receive a call from one of our Dealers saying that a well-known TV personality had ordered our sofas and was asking a few technical questions… we immediately asked if this ‘personality’ would be interested in giving us an endorsement and we asked them who it was… our Dealer then says ‘Jonathan Ross would love to help…’ For those of you that don’t know the TV program or personality I had been thinking of on the Friday it was Barry Norman of Film Night and Jonathan was the guy that took over from him when he retired! How strange…

A week later, we met him together with our film crew and photographer in the Dealer’s showroom, in which he had the ideal conditions to film a short clip with 2 existing Prince Micro Sofas with Leg-Extensions in a black velour. On the way there I was feeling a little nervous, although Tish wasn’t at all as she loves that sort thing. Within minutes of meeting Jonathan, he’d put us totally at ease and it was as if we’d known him for years… he very quickly understood what our business model was all about and what we were hoping to achieve with the promotional Film we were working on. The crew did a rough take… he smashed it first go… we were all a bit speechless! So, we hung about with him for half an hour whilst he told us some amazing stories and tales…

Thanks Jonathan, what a great evening and what a great endorsement.

PS. We cancelled David Letterman by the way…

Scroll down to watch his 5 star review!

Johnathan Ross with Infinity Seating

On a cold rainy December morning we arrived at Jonathan’s house to install their chosen sofas into the newly created Cinema Room.

The various trades, all working hard to get the project finished in time for Christmas movie watching all pulled together and we delivered a stunning Cinema Room which Jonathan and Jane were delighted with. The pets love the seats as well 😊



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